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Taxation during the export of products from Armenia

Налоги при экспорте из Армении

So, you decided to import products from Armenia to your country and even chose what you already want. Wonderful! What’s next? Now you need to learn more about the normative-legislative base for export from Armenia.

According to the local legislation and other legal acts of Armenia, during the transport of cargoes through the local border of Armenia are taken:

  • customs tariff
  • customs duty
  • excise tax
  • VAT

Customs  Tariff

These are obligatory payments collected for the movement of goods across the customs border of Armenia and paid to the state budget in accordance with customs legislation.

There is a classification of goods (Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity – TNVED), according to which there are certain rates of customs duty, depending on the type of product. Customs duties are charged at the current rates on the day of submission of the declaration, the payment of the duty is made in the currency of the Republic of Armenia – AMD, and must be carried out within ten days from the date of movement of goods across the customs border of Armenia.

In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Armenia “On Customs Regulation”, the rate of export customs duty on goods exported from Armenia is set at 0%.

Customs Duty

This is a mandatory payment for the implementation of customs clearance of goods transported across the customs border of Armenia. The customs fee is paid in AMD and is carried out within three days from the moment the relevant services are provided. In case of delay in payment beyond the established period, the payer is charged a fine in the amount of 0.2 percent of the amount of the customs duty not paid in a timely manner for each overdue day.

With regard to the amount of payment, there are such conditions, in accordance with the customs legislation: 

  • The standard rate for customs clearance of goods is 3500 AMD.
  • Customs control (examination and registration of goods) of goods declared by the same customs declaration weighing more than one ton – 1000 AMD.
  • For each additional (or incomplete) ton of goods weighing more than one ton declared with the same customs declaration – 300 AMD.
  • For each document (form) submitted by the customs authorities, a customs fee of 1000 AMD is charged.
  • If goods are stored by the customs authorities, 1000 AMD are charged for each additional (or incomplete) ton for each day, for each additional (or incomplete) ton – 300 AMD.

Value Added Tax (VAT)

According to the tax code of the Republic of Armenia, the supply of goods exported from the territory of Armenia to an EAEU member state and having the status of an EAEU product is taxed at a zero rate.

Excise Tax

This is a government tax that is levied on a certain type of product. According to the legislation of Armenia, goods subject to excise tax are alcoholic beverages, beer, wine, and tobacco products (including industrial tobacco substitutes, cigars, and cigarillos).

Assistance with customs documentation and clearance can be obtained at exportarmenia.am.