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Мost popular Armenian products

Top products to buy wholesale from Armenia

Armenia is known for its centuries-old culture, history, traditions, cuisine and hospitality. Therefore, it is not surprising that the popularity of many Armenian products has gone far beyond the borders of the country and spread throughout the world.

So what kind of products is Armenia famous for?


Armenian cognac, brandy

Well, of course, in the first place – it’s cognac. The drink that is most associated with Armenia by many people, which is not surprising, because the production of cognac in the country began in the 19th century! Real Armenian cognac is famous for its unique bouquet taste, as a result of which it once became the favorite drink of Winston Churchill, Agatha Christie and Frank Sinatra and has not lost its popularity in the world to this day.


Armenian wine

Another popular alcoholic drink is wine. Winemaking in Armenia has an even more ancient history, because it is believed that it originated many years before our era. There is even a biblical legend according to which Noah, having descended to Mount Ararat, planted a vine, thus laying the foundation for winemaking in Armenia.

Nowadays, thanks to the hot southern climate, more than 100 varieties of wines are produced. Moreover, not only traditional grapes are used for production, but also apricots, pomegranates, strawberries, quince, cherry plums, mulberries, thus obtaining “fruit wines”.


Back in Soviet times, Armenian cigarettes became incredibly popular: Armenia was one of the three largest manufacturers of tobacco products in the world!

Why is the demand not decreasing now? Tobacco is purified using innovative conditioning technologies, and so-called perlite filters are used, as a result of which the taste of bitterness in the mouth disappears, there is less problem of morning cough and less harm to health.

The three largest exporters in Armenia are: “Cigaronne”, “Akhtamar” and “Ararat”.

Interestingly, their production is growing every year, precisely due to the increase in demand outside of Armenia.


Armenian coffee

A drink that will be offered to you in any Armenian home, at any feast and for any occasion. It occupies a special place in the life of Armenians and coffee is drunk here in the amount of at least 3 cups a day, always brewed in a “jazve”(cofeepot), without the addition of milk (well, maybe brandy) and bitter. Moreover, the love for this drink is so strong that it is believed that coffee was spread in Europe by an Armenian named Hovhannes Astvatsatur, who opened the first coffee shop in Vienna. Therefore, it is not surprising that Armenian coffee retains its popularity in our time.

Dried fruits

Armenian dried fruits

With so much sun and Armenian imagination, such delicacies as dried fruits could not have been born. They retain the brightness of fruit colors, their sweetness and vitamin composition. Therefore, not a single dessert table and not a single coffee drink is complete without dried fruits and “fruit lavash”, which are made from all possible fruits that grow in Armenia.


Armenian lavash

The turn has come to the traditional flour product – Armenian lavash. There are countless legends, traditions and customs associated with lavash. It is traditionally baked in a tandoor (Armenians call it “tonir”) and has unique qualities, such as taste and long-term storage, which popularized this product first among the countries of the Caucasus, and then throughout the world, especially with the spread of the popularity of shawarma.

An interesting fact: lavash was included in the UNESCO list of intangible cultural heritage from Armenia.


Armenian fish- ishkhan

Perhaps not the most obvious product from Armenia. But despite the relatively small territory of the country, there are 9 species of endemics (fish that are found exclusively in Armenia). The most famous of them, because of their taste, is a fish from the salmon family – Ishkhan. Therefore, the only exporter of this type of fish is Armenia.


Armenian cheese

Last on the list, but no less important, is Armenian cheese. Traditionally an important part of the diet along with lavash for Armenians. The mountainous landscape of Armenia, rich in mountain pastures, has always contributed to the production of milk and cheese. And there are countless types of the latter: fibrous, curly, pigtail cheese, hard cheeses, salty and not very, from cow’s, sheep’s or goat’s milk, in general, for any lover.

Armenian cuisine is rooted far in the history of this ancient people and to this day excites and conquers everyone, is a mystery and an answer for everyone who wants to touch the Armenian culture and traditions.

All the above Armenian products can be purchased in wholesale on the website