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Import from Armenia to Kazakhstan

Import from Armenia to Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is a fairly large importer of goods from Armenia, despite the difficulties in transporting goods. In January-February 2022, the import of Armenian products to Kazakhstan increased by 42.9% and amounted to $1.7 million!
The advantage is, of course, the membership of both countries in the EAEU, as well as the loyal rates of customs payments of the Republic of Armenia.
If you are interested in the import of Armenian goods to Kazakhstan, then below you can get acquainted with each stage of this process.

Product selection

There are several options to choose from:
• Read our blog “Most popular products from Armenia”
• Find products you are interested in using search engines. On the websites of all major Armenian manufacturers, you can find information not only in Armenian, but also in Russian and English.
• Visit Export Armenia, where the products of the leading Armenian brands are collected in one place. And also there is an opportunity to get advice on all questions of interest on the choice of goods.


Due to the geographical location and the lack of common borders between Armenia and Kazakhstan, logistics is somewhat difficult, but certainly possible. Usually transportation takes place in transit through Russia, Georgia or Iran. Freight is transported by air, road, rail or sea. Often, this is a combination of several types, depending on which countries transit occurs, the dimensions and quantity of cargo, as well as the speed of delivery required by the importer.
To decide which option is best for you, there is an opportunity to get advice from Export Armenia, where highly qualified employees will help with questions and help you choose the best solution for your case.

Customs clearance

When importing goods, it is necessary to remember the customs legislation of the country from which the goods are exported. In addition to paperwork, there are customs payments, which are also regulated by the country’s legislative acts. To learn more about customs clearance when exporting products from the Republic of Armenia, read our blog “Taxation when exporting goods from Armenia”.

Documentation and payment

In addition to the listed basic steps when importing goods, there are many small processes without which it is impossible to import goods: accounting, currency payments, negotiations with suppliers, and preparation of all documentation. All this can be done by the importer’s company, but this is a rather laborious process that takes a lot of time and effort. For this, there are companies that outsource foreign trade, in particular – Export Armenia.
That is, you will not only be advised on all available issues on the import of goods from Armenia to Kazakhstan, but also provide the opportunity to “hire” a company to manage the entire import process from start to finish.
More information can be found on the marketplace.