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How to export products from Armenia

The popularity of Armenian products is growing every year. This is evidenced by the growing export figures from Armenia, and especially to the CIS countries.

Export from Armenia

According to statistics, for the reporting period of 2022, compared to 2021, exports from Armenia increased by 40.1%, amounting to $503,658.5 thousand!

The volume of exports from Armenia to the CIS countries in 2022 amounted to $160,682.9 thousand, an increase of 44% compared to the same period last year. The top three in terms of exports are:

  • Russia ($147,868.2 thousand, up 43.1%);
  • Belarus ($3,478.6 thousand, an increase of 69.8%);
  • Ukraine ($3,168.7 thousand, up 53.3%).

The volume of exports to the EU countries increased by 41.3% compared to 2021, amounting to $107,692.0. The top three countries by export volume are:

  • The Netherlands ($41,734.5 thousand);
  • Bulgaria ($20,259.4 thousand);
  • Germany ($15,161.1 thousand).

Other countries with the largest export volumes from Armenia include:

  • China ($58,478.4 thousand);
  • Switzerland ($54,846.3 thousand);
  • Iraq ($34,414.0 thousand);
  • Iran ($17,682.9 thousand);
  • Georgia ($16,714.4 thousand);
  • USA ($12 650.0 thousand);
  • UAE ($9,825.7 thousand).

And the main exports of Armenia are copper ore, gold, rolled tobacco, ferroalloys and hard alcohol.

The growth of exports from Armenia is influenced, of course, not only by the growing popularity of Armenian products, but also by an adequate customs system, loyal taxes on exported products and ease of documentation. For example, according to the World Bank’s Doing Business 2011 report, in Armenia it takes only one day for customs clearance of export procedures. Only three documents are required.

Export taxes

There are no restrictions on exports and export taxes in the Republic of Armenia, and there is also no system of minimum export prices. Operations for the export of goods and related services are subject to a zero VAT rate. In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Armenia “On Customs Regulation”, the export customs duty rate for goods exported from Armenia is set at 0%.

Like imports, exports are mostly exempt from any kind of ban or quota. Export restrictions are imposed only to protect the environment, ensure health and safety. Armenia does not have an export licensing regime, however, for some products, exporters must first obtain a state permit for export operations. Such products and goods are weapons, nuclear substances, pharmaceuticals, rare animals and plants, rare objects or artifacts considered part of the national treasure. Armenia applies only those trade embargoes that are introduced by UN Security Council resolutions.

Single window principle

Armenia has introduced a one-stop-shop for the provision of a certificate of origin. To obtain a certificate, an entrepreneur must apply to the limited liability company “Expertiza” of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Armenia. Armenia applies preferential rules of origin in accordance with all free trade agreements that have entered into force with the following countries: Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Ukraine.

Thus, all procedures for processing and accompanying goods for import have been simplified as much as possible, which logically leads to an increase in demand for export from Armenia.

For assistance in organizational matters regarding the import of products into your country, you can visit