Useful Information

Advantages of Export Armenia for exporting Armenian goods

Export/ import from Armenia - Export Armenia

Export Armenia is a unique platform where the importer can not only get acquainted with the products of leading Armenian brands, but also get help and advice in organizational matters.

The site presents a large number of Armenian brands, where you can find the most requested and popular high quality products. If, suddenly, among the listed products, the importer does not find the necessary position, he can apply with a request and Export Armenia will help to find what you need.
The advantage is that you do not need to look for suppliers of different industries on different resources, everything is already systematized and collected on one site for the convenience of the customer. Everything is organized intuitively, conveniently and clearly, so the choice of products is quick and easy.

After choosing the products, the next stage begins – the transportation of goods to the country of the importer. Here, it is possible to choose which way the goods are transported: by sea, air or land. Obviously, there should be the option that will be the fastest and without unnecessary material costs. Employees of Export Armenia can help with this by drawing up an export agreement, collecting the necessary package of documents and developing an optimal scheme for the delivery of products.
No need to collect information from different sources, waste time, look for resources in order to find the right answer. Highly qualified employees of Export Armenia, who know all the logistical nuances and the legal framework, will help you with the choice.

Customs clearance for export from Armenia
For sure, the most difficult and responsible stage of export and import, as this process is heavily controlled by countries and there is legal responsibility for the slightest errors or deviations from the laws. Often, even the supplier refuses to trade with other countries due to the high risks of improper customs clearance and, as a result, additional monetary costs, administrative or criminal liability.
It is rather difficult, without having a legal education, to understand the legal framework of another country, while it is still incredibly energy-intensive, and also takes a lot of time.
You can ask for help from the employees of Export Armenia, who will not only advise on existing issues, but also help with the preparation of all necessary documentation in accordance with the letter of the law.

Outsourcing of foreign trade when exporting from Armenia
Outsourcing is the process of transferring certain functions and responsibilities of business management to an enterprise that solves such issues at a professional level. This allows you to significantly reduce financial costs and save you from wasting effort, time and resources. Thus, get the opportunity to focus on the main interests of your company and not be burdened by the organization and negotiation with suppliers, the preparation of commercially beneficial contracts, the conduct of foreign exchange financial transactions and the delivery of goods.
You entrust a professional company with all responsibilities regarding the export of goods, and in return you receive all the documentation confirming all transactions.
Export Armenia is a company that will help you with all organizational issues at the highest level.

Consolidated cargo
One of the many Export Armenia services that will be invaluable for small and medium businesses. The advantage is that even with a small amount of cargo, the company will ensure export through consolidation, that is, the collection of goods. Export Armenia collects and exports various types of goods to the countries of the EAEU, the EU, the USA and the Middle East.

Thus, the advantages of Export Armenia are saving the time, resources, effort, costs of the importer and supporting the process of export and import at every stage.
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