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How to export brandy/cognac from Armenia

brandy wholesale at Export Armenia

It is well-known that Armenia is the parent of the best brandy in the world with the equisite flavor and the adorable taste, tempting every brandy lover. Demand for Armenian brandy, therefore, is increasing year by year and the numbers of exporting Armenian brandy come to prove it.

The government policy on exporting Armenian brandy

The government policy for the export of brandy from Armenia is based on expanding the borders of export to Western Asia countries. As stated in the strategy “Industrial policy aimed at Armenian exports”, based on the characteristics of Chinese cuisine, Armenian brandy, which is softer and sweeter than French brandy, will have a quality advantage in the market.”
If we summarize the export data of the last 10 years, we will see that the highest figure was recorded in 2019. 33 million liters of brandy were exported from Armenia that year. In 2020, that indicator decreased, after which it increased again.
The largest exporter of Armenian brandy is Russia. According to various estimates, the export of cognac produced in Armenia makes up 90% of the entire production. For example, in the first months of 2021, 46,696 thousand liters of brandy were produced in Armenia. After 2020, the export indicators of brandy from Armenia started to recover.

Armenian cognac or brandy?

Brandy was produced in Armenia much earlier, since 1887. Meanwhile, cognac production in France started only in 1909.
But still… The term “Cognac” is a protected geographical name, according to EU regulations, which can be used in France, as it is derived from the name of the city of Cognac.
The basis for abandoning the name “Cognac” is the “Comprehensive and Extended Partnership Agreement” signed between Armenia and the European Union on November 24, 2017, which entered into force on March 1, 2021. Armenian cognac producers should gradually abandon this name first for the drink sold on the local market (until 2032) and then for export of brandy from Armenia (until 2043).

Logistics of Exporting

Коньяк является вторым товаром с самой высокой таможенной стоимостью, экспортируемым из Армении, уступая только меди.
Согласно части 3 статьи 89 Закона РА “О таможенном регулировании” ставка вывозной таможенной пошлины на товары, вывозимые из Республики Армения, установлена ​​в размере 0 процентов.

Read more about the transportation of brandy to Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus in our blog section.

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